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Monday, 31 December 2012

Australian Government Ecological Standards

While it cannot be said that all politics and all ideals can coexist naturally, our government has certainly made an effort to bring eco friendly practices to our world. Ecology is the study of nature and natural cycles, and when discussing the subject in politics, it is generally referred to in the form of sustainability and renewability. That is, if we can harness these natural cycles to form predictable occurrences in our food supply and daily needs for the survival of our citizenry, then it is a good thing.

Australia’s eco standards have not always been up to par, but by far we have outmatched many other countries, including the illustrious United States. That is, however, hardly an accomplishment.

Today, we are striving even harder to bring sustainability to our world. In the past, the question arose as to whether it was needed…then to whether it was even possible. Now, we have a system in place which allows businesses to step up their game and challenge their belief systems even more than before. The possible of becoming entirely renewable does, in fact, seem attainable. There was a time when it did not. The possibility of specializing and mastering renewable resources was a fine fantasy in the past. Today, it is looking like a clear reality. We can do this. We can achieve these dreams.

There is nothing which can be denied those to whom survival is of utmost importance. The human race is funny like that. At Envirosafe Solutions, our very business is about renewability and about making your business higher quality than it is. Our very business is eco business. Our eco friendly liquid products are necessary in order to bring earth friendly practices to our daily lives. We carry everything from eco friendly radiator cleaner to toilet bowl cleaner. Whatever the case, we can make it work. Try our solvent free degreaser, or our industrial hand cleaner. Help us help you.

Australians are proud of what we and our government have created. We are proud to call our lives our own. In this essence, we lay claim to high amounts of sustainability, already. Let us push forward toward goals which are lofty, and very attainable.

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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Adaptability in Business

Circuit City, RadioShack and Yahoo are all businesses which have gained popularity for some time, then fallen out of favor, and ended up almost going out of business…or which went out of business, for one of them. The truth is, a consumer market, or a market of any kind, needs competitive discernment between businesses.

Each company should know what the other is doing, to either emulate them or jumpstart them, but if you walk into business with your eyes closed, then you may find yourself in the position of the above companies. Groupon used to be all the rage. Now, it’s shareholders are looking for a good way to get out and sell out.
Businesses have to be adaptable to change. Without adaptability, there is something which will hold you back: A fear of change or a fear of too much development and too much innovation passing you by. No company wishes to be the prehistoric dinosaur of the technology industry, however many businesses in all industries are not aware of their fear of change.

Unfortunately, that effect is strong in all industries, including any eco friendly businesses, even ones which are non-profit and sponsored by specific donations. Make the earth a better place is no less businesslike than running a multinational company across the globe. Both benefit the earth, but one does it more directly than the other. Making note of little changes in your office cleaning supplies, such as glass cleaner or antibacterial hand wash, and in your jobsite, such as glue remover and fuel conditioner, can really make things go the extra mile. It is important to understand that being eco friendly means holding yourself and your business accountable at every level, not just the public sight. The truth, after all, has a way of creeping to the surface.

We provide many eco friendly solutions, such as solvent free degreaser and sanitizer. At Envirosafe Solutions, we bring eco friendly liquid products to your doorstep, so to speak, and we ship all over Australia and to select countries. All of what we do is meant to bring eco friendly and responsible behavior and solutions to the very core of businesses, within their everyday uses and interactions. We are proud of what we do.

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Monday, 24 December 2012

Your Own Innovation

Let us say that you have graduated from a school, with a major in design or a studied field in technology. Your training would involve old or modern systems, using simple design techniques, and from the very beginning you will be trained to think for yourself, about yourself, and come up with new innovation right there on the spot. If you graduated from a top tier university, then chances are that you have had plenty of practice with design and innovation, and are ready for a high quality job in a highly competitive field.

Let us say that the above scenario does not, in fact, apply to you at all. You may believe that innovation and design in technology is something which sounds good, but is best left for the engineers and the smart people who know what they are doing.


Design and innovation is for everyone. You can bring innovation to your own world in much the same way that you can learn new things by reading books and watching documentaries. To limit yourself because you do not feel as if you have the necessary knowledge or skills is to be…for lack of a better way to put it…lazy. You CAN bring innovation to your personal and professional life, and you CAN bring innovation to the world itself.

Some of the most powerful concepts or movements were started by one blog posted online or by one idea which was licensed and sold and developed by a large company into a mass produced consumer good. This is part of everyday life. This is normal. At Envirosafe Solutions, we have designed environmentally friendly liquids so that you can innovate how you make your world more earth friendly. If you own a business, we have designed eco friendly industrial liquid to put some perspective in your bottom line. Do not worry. Our products are reasonably priced. Our goal is simple. Our Extreme Green line is flawless. Put our eco friendly products to the test, and order a batch of industrial hand cleaner or mineral deposit remover. We would love to prove our worth to you. While you’re at it, try our fuel conditioner. 

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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Absence of the Eco Social Science

When it comes to ecology, there is simply not enough good to go around. The foundations of great government movements are based upon social movements, but when it comes to both heavily appreciated and under appreciated eco friendly assets, people are good at talking about it, but rarely show up to do the actual work. Those who do the real work often do not spend a great deal of time talking about it. The whole mechanism is under achieved and unbalanced. With technology, everything works together. With corporate financial strategies, everything works together. With ecology, it can be a different matter.

Consider the awesome eco friendly liquid products at Envirosafe Solutions. We carry Dishwasher Powder and other environmentally friendly liquids, including but not limited to marine glass cleaner, solvent free degrease, and mold rid. This is just another example of the absence of eco social science.

We use our products and, goodness; we are crazy about them and talk about them as much as we can. However, how often do you actually find something that you both use and talk about? On Facebook and other social media sites, you are readily able to see some cute eco-ism in your news feed and then hit “Share” and pass it on to others. Do you add it to your list of things to do? Well, at Environs Solutions, frequently businesses order and use our products and pass on our eco friendly reputation to other companies by word of mouth. It is, after all, part of their green initiative. You can take credit for making the earth a friendly place, too. Order some of our products, complete with our 30 day money back guarantee, and see just how good this is. If you do not think that our chemical solutions live up to our hype, and then send them back for a complete return on your investment. You see, we really want to bring you our eco-friendly multi-purpose lubricant and mineral deposit remover. And, wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’re doing something for the environment, too? Call us today.
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Monday, 17 December 2012

Stepping Up Your Self Sufficiency Game

Becoming self sufficient does not simply mean that you have enough set by in case of an emergency: a little extra left over so that you can still maintain your current lifestyle if something should happen to your income.
Being self sufficient also does not mean that you come up with a cyclical system which must be maintained and kept up at all costs. Often, cyclical systems are good at evolving and taking care of themselves. It is important to remember that self sufficiency is not just an innovation of that.

Self sufficiency is the ability to adapt and change according to your needs and to your environment, while also preserving your current standard of living, or as the case may be, your current level of operating a business.

Self sufficiency requires that you understand what resources you have at all times, and that you are able to quickly and thoroughly verify and keep track of all of your data. It means that you have work, hands or workers which fulfill the production needs of your company. In many cases, chemicals can provide some of this work.

Chemical solutions are rampant in today’s market, but not all of them are truly eco friendly. Envirosafe Solutions meets the fully sustainable world and the fully industrial world, and combines them together. Eco solutions can also be widespread, but how many of them can truly cater to industrial worksites.
It is necessary, therefore, to design Dishwasher Powder, which can be septic safe. They must be able to function as the fuel conditioner, without sacrificing their eco friendly status. The dishwasher rinse aid must be both effective and safe for our earth.

Self sufficiency is had in knowing and keeping track of your resources and the utilization thereof. Fortunately, we have a high standard set before us regarding all of our products, including our disinfectant, dust suppressor, and our rust remover. We know how effective our environmentally friendly liquids are, and we know just what to do for our customers. Our products really make a difference. Our eco friendly industrial liquid really does change the world.

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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Keeping Personal Power

“Should” has become rather an annoying word in today’s vocabulary, since it denotes an obligation to society more than an obligation to yourself these days. There is, however, a very real reason to think about yourself when it comes to preserving our beautiful earth and being eco friendly. In our businesses, just about everything is for the good of the client or customer, and very little attention is paid to the people who are doing the work. In fact, serving and giving to others more than to yourself is the main component of all public service messages and social media guilt trips. Yes, we know that you have seen these things.

However, even if your grandmother always gave more to others than to herself, you must understand that that would not technically be possible. You see, in order for one person to have so much to give to others, they must first give those things, tenfold, to themselves. This is not being selfish, but rather all about renewing your resources so that you have resources for yourself and other people. You must feed yourself well first, before you have anything to give to others.

The study of ecology is rife with the belief that serving others is the only thing that matters. The spirit of serving others, in fact, derives from a very valid need to serve and contribute to your community. However, communities and individuals can occupy the same space and both must be tended properly. Our Extreme Green line of chemical solutions tends to both the need of the earth and eco friendly endeavors as a whole and to your own specific personal or industrial needs. Our eco friendly industrial liquids strengthen both community and individuals. That is why we designed our porta-loo treatment and our marine glass cleaner. We wanted to show that basic chemical solutions, like glass cleaner, can be effective and less toxic at the same time. We want to show that our Laundry Powder feeds both your needs and the needs of your community. Investing in us is like investing in a renewable resource. For more product info, call Envirosafe Solutions today.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Maintenance is a Good Thing

                     Eco Friendly
“I don’t want to have to always be maintaining it. I want to just get it fixed and then be done with it.” These are words which are often stated by people who feel overwhelmed by the maintenance and upkeep of a home, business, vehicle, office situation, and many other things, including themselves. The truth is maintenance gives you more time than just putting something off. Let us take carpet cleaning. If you wait until the dirt shows, then it has become so settled in the carpet and so difficult to clean out that it will take you far more time to clean it out than if you had kept up with the maintenance. Professional cleaning services will tell you that vacuuming it and cleaning it before it starts to show is the best way to keep up with it and to remove loose dirt before it becomes packed dirt. The same thing applies to simple household tasks like dishes. Even if you have a huge mountain to do, if you do a load or two a day, then they reduce down to nothing and become easier and easier as time passes and as your proficiency increases.

Ecologically speaking, maintenance is necessary for everything from gardening to cleaning, and our planet is better served with grooming, tending and maintenance than it is with neglect and hurried overhauls. In fact, when it comes to plants, too much overhaul at one time can be dangerous or even deadly. If you prune a tree too much at one time, then there are not even enough branches to maintain normal growth, and the whole tree can die. If your overhaul your house all at one time, you can be so physically and emotionally drained that a little maintenance immediately afterward can seem overwhelming.

Maintenance is definitely the healthiest way to keep things up.

Toilet bowl cleaner and glue remover and GelCleansanitiser are all tools to keep maintenance really simple and easy. For vehicles, radiator coolant, radiator cleaner, truck wash, Laundry Powder and fuel conditioner are especially helpful. And, you can get these things from an eco friendly source, right here at Envirosafe Solutions. We would love to show you how.

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Monday, 26 November 2012

Is Time Really a Factor in Global Warming?

There is a lot of fear about global warming and about how much time we have before our consuming far outmatches our production. This is about how well we can maintain the human race without turning into some type of dystopia, as depicted in the movie, Soylent Green. This is an important question to discuss, since we are not fully able to determine how many species of animals or vegetation is created every year, let alone how much is actually destroyed by humans, and therefore is within our control.

The above factors tend to lend themselves to fear based propaganda, where illicit and unethical greenwashing in companies is leveraged in order to make consumers spend more on goods which are really not healthy for the earth nor for the sustainability of the earth.

Some companies, like Envirosafe Solutions, utilise our resources for the greater good, by producing quality chemical solutions, like our eco friendly liquid products, and by making sure that our brand name is a reliable one which people can trust.

So how much time do we really have on this earth before everything goes under? Individuals will have as much time as they give to themselves by utilizing eco friendly industrial liquids like products from our Extreme Green range, including our antibacterial hand wash and our rust converter. Envirosafe Solutions expects that those who learn self sufficiency now will not be as likely to be swept under if such a catastrophe should in fact occur. That is our policy, instead of fear based propaganda: To learn our lessons now so that we are prepared, just in case. If you do not learn this material right now, when we have the chance and time and resources to do so, then our sudden interest in becoming sustainable in the future may be too late and we may struggle. It is always best to be prepared, rather than quickly scrounging around for whatever resources you can get your hands on. Try our diesel bug killer and our fuel conditioner, which work in both fossil based fuels and eco friendly fuels. For more information on this topic, call Envirosafe Solutions today.

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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Aesthetic and Productive Appeal

Now that the green revolution has begun and countries like the U.S. and Scotland are upping their game on ecological innovation, it is time to start mixing art and function. The mixture of the two has always been a heartwarming display which can be found in eco friendly homes, museums and dedications to fine craftsmanship, but today it serves a couple of more purposes.

There is an inherent need in humans to mix beauty and function together. We want to make our homes and cars and utensils sleek and sexy and beautiful. We want to make our luxurious clothing functional. We want our office buildings big, bold, cutting edge and extremely energy efficient. Eco friendly liquid products are some of the results of chemical masterminds. We don’t like our windows washed by clear liquid, but blue is better. We don’t think our teeth are clean unless we can feel the tingling. The tingling is added, guys. It’s just a marketing ploy. However, you see our point.

We like to mix beauty and function, taste and performance…purpose and design.

When you are looking to make your company function well, remember that using environmental cleaning products will both make it look and smell and feel better, but it will also create a more luxurious experience for your clients. Cheap harsh chemicals are obvious. Mould rid and Radiator Cleaner from our eco friendly industrial liquid line is subtle and effective. In essence, you are paying for luxury when you buy from our Extreme Green line, even though you are receiving our products at a healthy rate.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we feel that it is best to keep our prices reasonable and offer our environmentally friendly liquids for the purposes of cleaning and maintaining your industrial and office and home site. Try our Laundry Powder and our glue remover. These products prove the point that design and flawless performance can coexist simply and easily side by side. Our fuel conditioner aids with engine performance, and our rust converter protects machinery and other types of equipment. We have aesthetic and productive appeal, indeed. For more information, call Envirosafe Solutions.

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Secret of Survivalist Guides

At some time or another, we have all been exposed to a back-woodsman, survivalist type of guide, complete with homestead help, and sustainable land solutions for those of you who wish to go completely off of “the grid.” The one thing that all survivalist guides have in common is the amount of fear that they induce in those of you who wish to live somewhere in the middle, in between civilization and the edges of humanity. In fact, there is a common theme that runs through these magazines and print publications, and that is this inherent fear that someone somewhere can make you dependent upon them, and not upon yourself.

Let’s get real.

Almost everyone on earth is dependent, in some way or another, upon the services, goods, and assistance of other people, even if these are just friends who give you a lift into town when you have a flat tyre. It is almost impossible to make yourself a hermit completely, and some might consider it almost antisocial to do such a thing. Fortunately, there is a way to meld both worlds together in a cohesive fashion.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we bring the best of eco-friendly products such as marine glass cleaner, diesel bug killer and radiator coolant to your world. All of our products are environmentally sound, and we strive to make your business, as well as your home life, a much better place than it is. Our eco friendly liquid products are numerous and quite varied, which allows you to be able to take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee to the fullest extent possible. You can order smaller sizes of various products from us at first, and after you try them out and see how much better your life is with our eco friendly solutions, you can always return to our business website and order bulk amounts. Nobody has to live in fear of the dependence which we all face almost all of our lives. We are an international community, and we connect to each other to make our world stronger and safer.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Preserve Your Individual World

Those who know how to live well whilst also using eco friendly methods will tell you that it is your own individual world which must be sustained. The task of taking on the entire safety of the earth is both overwhelming and unrealistic. However, the task of turning your own individual garden, home, worksite, and company into a sustainable product seems much more realistic and enjoyable. This is definitely something which you can accomplish and do a good job on. After all, that is your world that you are saving, and you have complete and total control over it.

Our first advice would be to determine how green you would like to go. After all, not everyone has the resources to build their own earth house and reduce their energy usage by eighty percent. And, furthermore, not everyone would like to live in such a manner. It is important to do your research, visit the homes of fellow eco friendly earth lovers, and make yourself familiar with the ideas of different levels of environmentally friendly living and lifestyles.

You want to live well, just not extravagantly.

Next, we would advise you to look around at little things you can change. Oh, these little things really add up, over time and just in terms of volume which you use on your home throughout the week, month or year. We suggest shopping for environmentally friendly liquids, such as our Extreme Green range of products. Envirosafe Solutions offers solvent free degreaser, insect and tar remover, not to mention our dishwashing liquid. These are important products which are as necessary as they are eco friendly. Throughout your daily living, if you feel any sort of guilt over how you treat the environment, these are very real little ways in which you can make a really big difference in your own personal life and in the life of your company. Plus, our antibacterial hand wash smells really great. So come on by our site and read about each product, keeping your industrial worksite needs and your company’s basics in mind. Going green is the sign of a modern and future-oriented company.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Green Architecture in France

French architecture is known for its extremely decorative and luxurious style. France is widely known for its opulence when it comes to design. Many people associate opulence with wastefulness, but this is not the case. It is possible to live well on recycled and reclaimed materials. First, though, you must learn the difference between opulence and wastefulness. They are two very different things. At Envirosafe Solutions, we distribute high quality eco friendly liquid products. These are environmentally friendly liquids which are strong enough for industrial use and are tough enough for the most problematic work sites. Products like our marine glass cleaner and our glue remover are a perfect example of living in luxury without being wasteful or irresponsible. Not everything has to be a contest of abundance and starvation, and our multi purpose lubricant and mineral deposit remover are excellent examples of this. Now, as for effectiveness, we are at the top. Our rust converter is perfect for your problem situation.

Now that France is coming out with green architecture, as many are calling it, there is an unspoken question as to whether it is really eco friendly and as to whether it is as effective and sturdy as past architecture has been.

Art, in the end, inspire people to do things or think a different way. If the eco friendly movement can do this, then there is no loss to our cause. France is coming out with architecture which, while not being minimalist like some eco friendly building has been, it is just as inspiring as the bare, minimalist texture which has inspired so many other people to give up lives of wasteful, extravagant living. If Envirosafe Solutions can do this with our dishwasher powder and laundry powder, then we are living up to our purpose as a company. Once you experience how effective our toilet toilet bowl cleaner is, you will know that our products really do give you the best of both worlds. The French eco movement is in full sway, but Australia has been delivering Extreme Green products for years now. We are proud of our reputation, and we invite you to check out our website, or call us today.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Uneasiness in the Eco Garden

Eco friendly gardens, flower or vegetable, are easily overrun with pests, viruses and other interesting stuff. You probably would not want these things in your eco friendly garden. Using harsh chemical pesticides and fungicides, you can quickly wipe these critters out. However, there is still a backlash to this approach. Plants need organic growth and organic decay in order to produce healthier, more vibrant crops, and in order to break down all the way after they are dead or withered. Organic decay is necessary for new plant growth to be able to feed on the former decay. If the material does not properly break down, then new growth will not be able to utilize it as mulch or raw material from which to draw nutrients. Over time, all matter can eventually decay, but preservatives and chemicals found in non eco friendly solutions can make a big difference. The differences in completion of decay can be as much as ten years. If you own a large garden or crop area, that is material which must be hauled away because it will not break down. In addition to that, the nutrients from broken down materials will not enter the soil. Normally, these nutrients would build back up in the earth, but clearing away non-decaying organic material can starkly reduce these nutrients, which must then be added. It is labor saving and very cost saving to simply let nature take her course.

Envirosafe Solutions has an Extreme Green range of environmentally friendly liquids which help in many chemical situations. Eco friendly industrial liquids really can make a difference in these matters. Try our dust suppressor, our fuel conditioner for your gardening and farming equipment, our diesel bug killer, our mineral deposit remover (this is good for households), and our mould rid. These are products which are eco friendly and which can really make a difference with your eco garden. We also provide mineral deposit remover, and most of these products come in both small size containers and in industrial bulk amounts. Whether you are a professional landscaper or you own a small garden in your front yard, this is the perfect place to find something which is both safe and earth friendly.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Independent Eco Efforts

“It starts with you.” Whether you are talking about change in your neighborhood or drug control or crime prevention or eco friendly efforts, “It starts with you,” is a popular motto for many organizations or movements. The emphasis is on the fact that we are not just nameless faces in a sea of humanity, but that we as individuals have power and freedom and control over ourselves and the world around us. To many people, eco friendly efforts really do not make that much difference, and in their opinion their individual efforts make no difference at all. This is untrue, and the above moniker is meant to pull you out of that mindset. However, popular thinking continues to be aware of what it can and cannot control, and individual actions which combine with the actions of others for future progress hardly fall into realistic thought processes. It can even seem like a nice ideal, but not one that is actually achievable.

Independent eco efforts, therefore, can seem futile. It can seem as if one individual is acting on their unrealistic hopes and that things are not actually going to turn out that way. People often compare one effort with a large portion of work to be done, and this makes them give up hope. We say that it is possible to change your own world, if not the worlds of others. After all, you clean your own house, not being concerned about the homes of others. You maintain your property and vehicle and feed your family, all without also trying to control the actions of others or feed millions of other people. You believe that those actions make a difference. So it is only a half step further to imagine taking care of your own space of sustainability. No, perhaps do not maintain a lot of space for a bunch of other people. Just take care of your own sustainability, and maybe that of your family and dependents. Nothing more is required.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we urge you to continue this green movement at your work and at home. Our environmentally friendly liquids are specially designed for your busy lifestyle, and for use by an individual, too. You will already have to purchase toilet bowl cleaner and dishwasher powder and mineral deposit remover and antibacterial hand wash. Why not purchase those things from us? We have already done all of the hard work of finding ways to make our planet cleaner and fresher. For more information about our eco friendly industrial liquids, call Envirosafe Solutions today.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Global Market Making Expensive Green Movements Difficult

It seems as if financial markets and global resources are being hit from every angle these days, with controversy about Iran and Syria on the news, along with questions about finding more petrol fuel in various countries, coupled with the fact that currencies and countries are both seemingly going bankrupt all over the world. Now that we have set the stage for a really expensive drama fest, luxuries like alternative fuels are being used less and less. Some alternative fuels take up more cost and produce less energy than their petroleum based counterparts. This makes further investment in alternative fuels a much slimmer reality. In fact, technology improves if there is a mass demand for something (like happened with computers and the internet and television), but the cost of green marketing is so high that some alternative fuels are simply not being researched enough and so the cost of production and the resulting energy is simply not changing as rapidly as it could. However, since these issues are clearly still so important to our people, it is indeed very likely to improve soon. It is only important that things improve fast enough.

Envirosafe Solutions is very much doing our part to help the planet get on the green technology bandwagon. Our Extreme Green range of chemical products is both eco friendly and highly effective. We produce and sell marine glass cleaner and antibacterial hand wash. Our environmental cleaning products are safe and effective on every surface. Just check out our products pages on our site. So much information is given about each product that you can get a very real education just by reading all of our information on each one. We do our own research into our chemical solutions, so we are all very well educated on the benefits of each product and how biodegradable it might be or how septic safe it is. We value how our hard water laundry liquid and laundry powder measure up to the competition.

For more information about what Envirosafe Solutions and our eco friendly liquid products can do for you, check out our website or call us today.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Economic Incentives Waning in the Green Movement

Economic incentives, or government funded incentives, are beginning to wane for ecological development. The green movement has hardly suffered this much of a setback since the early eighties. This is because of an overall economic fluctuation concerning all monetary incentives which rises and recedes approximately every thirty years. Even the 1950’s can be a testament to this fact. Ecology has its supporters, and many people want to believe in it, but everything on this good earth of ours fluctuates, and our green movement is not exception to this rule. As much as man may try to control the situation in one direction or another, the overall fluctuation or equilibrium will be achieved all on its own.

Ecologically speaking, businesses are just not using their full array of incentives which are available to them. In the end, there is still cost, and the greenwashing cycles of yesterday are still affecting the consumer market, and low-end incomes are still suspicious of chemical products which do not work. They need to spend their paychecks on things which will get the job done right the first time, rather than being able to afford to experiment with different products and finding what works best. At that socio-economic stage, brand names and high reputations count for the most.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we have met these two worlds to assist with your industrial needs. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all of our chemical products, and our research has made our solvents extremely effective, while also being eco friendly. Marine glass cleaner, hard - water laundry liquid, porta-loo treatment, and solvent free degreaser are only some of our high quality chemical solutions, both for regular business and home use, and for industrial worksites which require bulk supply. We know how much our reputation is worth in this world of economic fluctuation and lower eco friendly involvement from the masses. We have to deliver, or else.

To find out more about our products, like our rust converter and our dishwasher powder, visit our website or call Envirosafe Solutions today.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Cost and Production Concerns of Alternative Fuel

Alternative fuel has made enormous headway in the past five years. Wind energy, solar energy, bio fuels and sustainable fuels are all part of a vast movement toward unlimited energy resources. This is something which can seriously change the world as we know it. The cost of travel could be greatly reduced and traded like cotton t-shirts, for dollars apiece. You may be able to travel around the world on just $30.00 in your own lifetime. That is how fast green technology is sweeping over the planet. Unfortunately, political and petroleum based fuel concerns and fears can really slow down progress. Innovation tends to happen fastest in free market, competitive environments. This fearful watching of the global economy can really slow down eco friendly development and growth. What is a tree-hugger to do?

First, recognize that economies have been fearful before, and they will be fearful again. Get some perspective on your current area’s reactions to what is going on around you by reading high quality journals (not just the fear press) and reading histories of your country. This will, by far, bring everything back into focus. After all, the more you learn about previous widespread panic, the more current panic looks silly and ridiculous…and manageable.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we have far better perspective than that. We know that green solutions are possible and that our business growth is dependent upon remaining calm and holding steady during the hard times. Not all businesses have to go under when times get tough. It involves clear-headedness and remaining frugal, but it can be done. We believe in ourselves and we believe in the companies with whom we do business. In the meantime, check out our line of extreme green eco friendly liquid products. Try our insect and tar remover or our toilet bowl cleaner. We offer many chemical solutions, including dishwasher powder and industrial hand cleaner. Take a look through our product catalog. You may find something which specifically fits the needs of your business, has been evaluated for septic safety and biodegradability, and which is eco friendly and cost effective.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Addressing Rising Concerns in Your Staff

In television and movies, businesses are run in a super efficient, cut down mode which utilizes every single need of the company. This is not reality, however. Many businesses include things in their business plan which are extraneous and which are not actually a part of their production, and they have to later on include new plans in their business practices which are not consequently added to their business plan. One would think that this is a fallacy in organization, but it can be quite common, especially if the cost of doing business does not seem to be affected by this sloppiness.

Eco friendly concerns may be rising in your staff when it comes to how your business is handling widespread economic concerns, especially global concerns. After all, if your company does business overseas, then it can really be changed by fluctuating and highly volatile economic changes in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

The important thing is to keep your loyal employees generally informed of what you will be doing with the business, and to keep new employees in a solid, stabilized work environment. It is important to understand that perception is everything when it comes to meeting the needs of your employees. Efforts, changes and money spent on eco friendly endeavors can be seen as extravagant and unnecessary by your staff members. However, there are little things which you can implement which will go a long way toward meeting needs set out in your business plan while also cutting costs.

That is why Envirosafe Solutions is focused on making and distributing environmental cleaning products, such as our solvent free degreaser and our antibacterial hand wash. Our products are eco friendly industrial liquids which include marine glass cleaner and rubber remover. We want to continue the green movement without raising alarm in your employees about how company resources are being spent. After all, those are their jobs that you are affecting.

Keep everything tied together by implementing strong, effective, environmentally friendly liquids for a much lower cost than you would normally find online.

Friday, 28 September 2012

The Wayward Wind

Wind energy has been continually increased over time to become an almost all-encompassing factor of energy budget expenses, at least on the federal level of many countries. An Aug. 18-19th edition of the Wall Street Journal for 2012 pointed out how federal spending from the American point of view is sinking $2.18 into oil per wattage hour, with a lot of production coming out of that, and over $700.00 into wind energy per wattage hour. There is clearly a large difference in investment and actual output of wind energy resources. One of the problems is that the wind is not sustainable as a source of measurement, since one cannot determine when the wind will blow or how much it will blow. There is a limit to how much nature will actually cooperate with our measuring devices and therefore a limit to how much we can expect to receive or accurately predict the amount of power we plan on receiving.

Alternative energy sources, such as wind energy and solar power, are becoming less obsolete, but remain a high cost of energy source. While fossil fuels are both damaging and depleting, alternative energy is both effective and expensive. Who would pay for this type of energy when they absolutely do not have to, just to make the earth a cleaner place? That is, indeed, an expensive bill. Fortunately for technology and innovation, as well as competition, costs should lower as the sector becomes even more privatized and more available to the communities which it supports. After all, if everyone is producing wind energy, then wouldn’t the cost lower, just like it does with electricity, computers, smart phones, and television sets?

Envirosafe Solutions commits itself to another sector of the green industry. Our eco friendly liquid products, including solvent free degreaser, mould rid, hard water laundry liquid, and multi purpose lubricant, are cutting edge, highly effective, and safe for our earth. It is important to always keep the effectiveness of our products in mind as we move forward into the new age of green competition and reforms for our earth. For more information on what you can do to change to eco friendly habits in your company.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Greenwashing and Money Laundering

Isn’t it funny how the laundry is always mentioned when referring to dirty business? One hardly ever hears dirty business referred with talks of gardening or vacuuming, but always of laundry. Money laundering, airing our dirty laundry, greenwashing, and so on and so forth, are all part of this. It is interesting that things which we wear, not just come in contact with, are what give businesses the reputation which they have. It is as if someone is wearing dirty clothes and therefore just doesn’t care about how they act or how they will be seen by others who are able to see them wearing their dirty clothes. Isn’t that interesting?

Greenwashing is synonymous with screwing people over by sticking an “eco friendly” label on a product which is either eco friendly but ineffectual, or effective but not at all safe for the environment. This term is used loosely, because it has such a bad reputation among discerning customers, and is there any other kind of customers but the discerning ones? Products and design can be stupid, but people are never stupid. They realize when something does or does not work. They know when they’ve been duped, and they know exactly what to do about it when this happens. They stop buying the product, they scream bloody murder, and they get on their social media sites and rave on and on about how ineffective a certain business or product is.

That’s a dangerous way of doing business, so many businesses which have done greenwashing in the past can no longer pull off the scam. They are reported and the whole thing goes under.

Envirosafe Solutions understands how important it is to maintain your valuable reputation, as well as our own valuable reputation. We sell eco friendly liquid products, and we do it in such a way that you cannot get screwed over. Our 30 day money back guarantee protects your assets while you decide what to do. Try our antibacterial hand wash, our rubber remover, our multi purpose lubricant, and our soil wetta. We would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Check Up On Your Eco Solutions Team

Many large companies have eco solutions teams to help them keep their operations earth eco friendly and to reduce waste and their impact upon the environment. However, there are many ways in which even that move may not fully pan out into the full potential that it could be. What are some ways to round off your company’s eco solutions team and what do we mean by telling you to check up on them?
Not all divisions of your company are synergizing. With every company, you will find that there are divisions or sections of the business which are not quite as in sync with the rest of the business as you believe they should be. When this happens, organize an education of each division by their comrades so that everyone understands their own jobs and the responsibilities of others, and everyone is working together, instead of apart.

Especially make sure that the accounting department and the Eco Friendly Industrial Liquid solutions teams are working together and are aware of each other’s initiatives. This is especially important regarding any tax breaks or cost reduction or financial incentives which are being handed out by your local or federal government at this time. If the account department is aware of your Environmental Cleaning Products efforts, then more money can be saved, more of our wonderful planet can be sustained, and more revenue can remain within your business.

Make sure that your eco solutions team is modern. This is especially important if new incentives have recently been introduced or if new technology is renovating how companies, especially large international companies, are reducing cost, reducing fuel and emissions, and increasing self sufficiency. One of the most important reasons to remain self sufficient is to maintain a durable competitive advantage over your competition, i.e. other businesses in your industry and competing industry markets.

Use discretion. Keep an eye on your eco solutions team’s progress and planning for new agendas. This is not to say that you should require notification about every small step, but talk to individual employees, especially management, about current projects once a week, and make sure that you are being kept in the loop on a fairly regular basis.

Envirosafe Solutions offers one more way to keep your company as effective and as eco friendly as you can make it. Our eco friendly waste removal kits, absorbent spill kits, industrial degreasers, and industrial strength disinfectant are available for shipping today. 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Researching Green Movements in Your Neighborhood

It is hard to make your life entirely extreme green eco friendly when you are not aware of all of the ecological resources available in your local community. For this reason, we have put together a list of ideas and ways in which you can research eco friendly movements in your own area, no matter where you live!
Call your local chamber of commerce
Every city has a chamber of commerce or a local chapter for business affiliations and this excellent place to start when looking for an established company or business operation which specializes in or includes eco friendly practices and environmental help.
Practice your social networking skills
Whether or not you are a whiz on Facebook or MySpace or Google+, social networking will get you into direct contact with fellow “green” followers who want to make a difference. Subscribe to the feeds of local eco friendly organizations and people who are passionate about the earth, and you will receive live feed of all the latest developments and ways in which you can help sustain your local economy!
Network in person
When you go out to a rally, pick up all of the flyers which are available and talk to all of the organizations which are represented. Become actively involved, if not in the movement itself, in learning about ecological advances and in hearing about what each person can do to improve earth sustainability and fuel efficiency and biodegradable products! When you get home, take out your notepad and list all of the organizations involved. Then, make a separate list of all the features you would like in a charitable organization that you would donate to financially. Make phone calls, email representatives of each group and find out which are the most suited to your charitable abilities and interests!
Ask everyone
When you go out to eat or go to the symphony or the opera or you simply have a business meeting, ask people around you what they do to help protect the environment and about their own participation in local organizations. That way, you can hear about and judge different operations without having to spend a great deal of time and effort exploring each one individually, one after the other.
Envirosafe Solutions offers eco friendly cleaners, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, and lubricants. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee, so that you can try our products and see how effective they really are, with no danger to your initial investment.