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Thursday, 26 December 2013

Making Your Campsite Biodegradable

Dishwashing Liquid
Dishwashing Liquid
Let’s say that you’re off on a nice, family holiday. Well, that’s kind of boring, so let’s change it to a romantic getaway into the wilds. Yes, that’s better. Now, let’s say that you and your frisky lover have set up camp in a nice, quiet, hidden area. It’s easy to see that the place is secluded and that animals are not very afraid of humans disturbing them, so a few furry creatures have cautiously crept forward to inspect the new visitors.

The grass is soft, the trees rustle in the wind, and your four-footed jungle companions are minding their own business now. It almost seems a shame to disturb the quiet and serene landscape with a camp fire and lots of camping equipment, complete with a tent. However, you and your sweetheart set up camp and soon have a nice, roaring fire crackling in the woods.

The truth is, it is easy to “camp out” It is far more difficult to remember to “uncamp” when you are done. Making your campsite biodegradable is easy, once you remember to do it. Pick up all of your non-biodegradable trash, allow organic vegetation to rot into the forest floor, relieve your bathroom needs in bushes at least fifty feet away from the campsite, and follow all park restrictions so that you don’t attract any unwanted animals.

When we here at Envirosafe Solutions were looking for eco friendly solutions to everyday tasks, we knew that it wouldn’t be easy to find real, active chemicals which were both safe for the planet and easily used as daily solutions in industrial worksites and home environments. We had our team of researchers work very hard to find a balance which satisfied both qualities and we succeeded. Our solvent free degreaser, our fuel conditioner, our rust converter and all of our other environmental cleaning products are at your disposal for when you decide to use them. Be sure and take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee, too. Oh, and try our sanitiser! You’ll love what it does for your extremely dirty places. Call Envirosafe Solutions today to order from us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 16 December 2013

Fixed Income and Financial Composting

Fixed Income and Financial Composting
Fixed Income and Financial Composting
When you are on a fixed income through whatever reason it may be, you must learn how to make ends meet in a steady, dependable way. You must also learn how to compost your finances so that they reap the biggest crop for the smallest amount of effort or investment. This is done by bringing some intuition, some creative innovation, and some thinking outside of the box to the situation.
In fact, financial composting can be thought of as reinvestment. This form of getting the most money for your effort involves understanding how much you will invest in something and how much you can get out of it in the end. Buying a few dressed to sell online for a little more is great, as long as you already have a market in place for your dresses. Without the market, you are looking at an investment which may or may not yield your desired profits in the time allotted.
However, you can still do a lot with what you have, no matter the case. If you have sure reinvestments set up, you can buy a little, sell for a little more, work a little, get paid a little more, and gradually increase your income to the point where you are above starvation or survival modes.
This is true in business, as well.
When you are looking to achieve the most good for your prices, you can achieve it through the use of products from Envirosafe Solutions. Marine glass cleaner, sanitiser, dishwashing liquid, and every other conceivable eco friendly chemical solution is available through our website, for bulk or small purchases, and accompanied by our excellent customer service. If you visit the product pages of our website, you will be able to ascertain the septic safety and potential biodegradability of each product, too. Mineral deposit remover, dishwasher powder, and other chemicals are available through us, and they are all planet friendly. We love our customers so much that we want to develop long lasting relationships with our business-to-business customer base. Be sure and place a sample purchase order with us first, try out our products, and order more when you need them. Be sure and call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 12 December 2013

Eating the Whole Buffalo

Eating the Whole Buffalo
Many people lament the waste that is the result of heavy industrialization. In the past, communities had coopers and tanners and wheelwrights and bakers, all of which provided proper food and materials for the community. These tradesmen had to be very economical with their resources, because their entire lives depended upon the ability to get and keep more resources.

Today, the lamentation continues over how much wood is wasted when trees are processed. We shake our heads with disgust when natural forests are dug up to put in a mine. Many things are going to waste, we say.

However, there is one area in which we are “eating the whole buffalo” as the Americans say.

Pigs are used immensely well. Boar hair is used to condition bread dough, certain bones and arteries are used for medical implants and devices which the human body will not be likely to reject, the skin is used in footballs (sometimes), the ears are used in dog chews,and there are many other types of uses which pigs have that humans have thought of. Now, that is truly awe inspiring. In fact, one woman wrote an entire book about one single pig and documented the use of every single tiny part of the animal, which industry it went to, and what it was used for in the consumer market.

Not only is that concept fascinating, but it is true. We really do make complete use out of certain animals. Even horses when they die are often put into dog food, which nice because we wouldn’t want to feed our dogs expensive meat.

When Envirosafe Solutions began our operations as an eco friendly industrial liquid distributor, we knew that our products had to serve double duty: cleaning and being safe for the environment. We hired a team of researchers to help us make products which were and still are safe for our beautiful earth and effective as can be for your purposes.

For more information about all of our products, like our soil wetta and our mineral deposit remover, please visit our website. Make note of the thirty day money back guarantee. After you have decided what you want to order, call our friendly staff today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Don’t Burn the Grass!

Pasturing is the art and science of keeping pasture lands sustainable, well watered and well covered in grass and critters which feed on everything. Without proper pasturing, livestock can overfeed on the grass before they are told to move on, grass can grow too tall and too wild, or the beginnings of desertification can occur because livestock is not allowed to properly fertilize the grass before it moves on to new pastures.
In fact, misunderstanding about how to care for soil, grass, pasture lands and basic wild areas of growth has reached such a point that grass is burned down in order to create room for new growth. Unfortunately, one fact has been left out of the life cycle of good, healthy pastures.
Grass needs to be fertilized.
Also, the best fertilization is that which nature can provide, and has been providing, for thousands of years.
That means that the livestock must be handled in such a way that they can eat and then fertilize the grass, and then the herd moves on to somewhere else. Pasture planners discovered this philosophy by studying how herds moved in the wild. What a novel idea! Now, by burning the grass, immense pasture lands in Africa and other parts of the world are taken over by desertification. In order to get abundance out of the land, proper pasturing must be renewed.
By the same token, chemical solutions must deliver the promise that they make, while also not causing more problems at the same time. When you are cleaning your floors, you must be able to get it clean all of the way, while also not leaving behind a lot of sticky or toxic chemical residue.
Enter a product about which we are very proud: Our solvent free degreaser.
We carry other things, too, such as marine glass cleaner, dishwasher powder, and disinfectant. However, we are always careful that our chemical solutions do not just fix one problem while causing another at the same time. We are careful that our eco friendly liquid products are productive and tidy all at once.
Now, you may not be into pasturing right now, but you probably still need to keep your business, your jobsites, and your home clean. Well, we are here for you. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 28 October 2013

Burning Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels can include a wide variety of components, including wood products, mineral products, petroleum products, and even refined mineral materials. You see, fossil fuels have to do with the burning of “fossilized” raw materials, which can be anything from raw, dry wood to parts of the petroleum category.
In William Bryant Logan’s book, Air, he discusses how the burning of fossil fuels has created an atmospheric condition where, instead of rain and clouds and evaporation all occurring in small quantities throughout the year, the burning of fossil fuels messes this process up. In this book, Logan describes how fossil fuel burning releases agents into the atmosphere which actually, temporarily, hold off rain for some time. Then, when rain finally comes, it comes as a huge, giant thunderstorm which erupts over the land, causing lots of damage and washing out locations which have been desert dry in between these highly infrequent rain showers.
The point is that burning fossil fuels actually prevents steady, frequent small rain showers, and results in prolonged, violent thunderstorms which come by only every once in a while. This means that it is necessary to keep your emissions fairly low, and that includes all types of emissions which you may be putting out. For example, burning wood in your fireplace contributes to this, but so does burning petrol in your car. The end result of all of this is that we need to be able to burn fossil fuels, but only in environments where the air is more normalized by the surrounding vegetation which, incidentally, tends to encourage smaller, frequent rain showers.
Marine glass cleaner, radiator coolant, and glue remover are all chemicals which, in the past, have contributed to this unnatural weather process. However, Envirosafe Solutions brings you all of these chemical solutions and many more through our environmentally friendly liquids. For example, we provide solvent free degreaser, as well as fabric conditioner, both of which are eco friendly and good for the planet. For more information about our goals and what we can do to help you switch over to our daily solutions, visit our website, read our site blog, and give us a call today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

Believing in Our Long Term Investment Fruition

Investments, at least monetary investments, hold a lot of the world together. Without investments, businesses would not be able to continue during certain times of the month because there would be a cash flow problem. Without investments, we would not be able to retire early and have enough money upon which to live for the rest of our lives. Without monetary planning, we would not be able to live in steady, comfortable, safe lives in which we can run and play and learn and accomplish things.
Now, when it comes to the planet, there seem to be a lot of options as far as investing goes. Monetary investing is one thing and yields set categories of products in which you can put your money. However, saving the earth really means that everyone has their own opinion about what exactly the planet needs and why we are not goal setting, and when we can get to work on the problem if, indeed, any problem exists at all.
Eco friendly industrial liquid is meant to bring all points together, at least when it comes to chemical cleaning and usage. For example, we distribute environmental cleaning products, most of which are used for the running of businesses, jobsites, janitorial work, office cleaning, home maintenance and vehicle maintenance. However, in order for everyone to agree that our products are both satisfying a service need and are effectively safe for the earth, we need to research the chemical combinations which will cover both issues.
That is precisely what we have done.
When you buy our fuel conditioner or our antibacterial hand wash, you are buying product from a company which believes in having both a safe planet and effective cleaning solutions. We don’t think that it has to be one thing or the other. We believe firmly that both scenarios can exist, in cooperation, side by side in harmony.
Believe in the fruition of our long term investment. Believe in the power of humanity to protect and maintain our earth’s atmosphere and resources. Believe in the long term success which will come to us, to the next generation, and to the generation after that. Call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Stop Thinking, Start Doing

The point of this article is NOT to get you to stop thinking entirely. Our goal is not to tell you to jump in with both feet without thinking about what you are doing first. Rather, our goal is to help you to understand how much time humans spend on over thinking things, and how little time they actually spend on accomplishing any of these carefully planned goals. What is the matter with us? Well, the answer lies in the onset of industrial, mechanical and technological advances in the near past. Everything is so much easier for us, but we are used to spending a lot more time actually on the job…getting dirty…working our muscles…and getting our thinking done while we are producing real things with our hands. It helps when we can really look at and see the fruits of our labors right there in front of us.
Today, things are not so simple. Even manufacturing companies form long automated systems where our work in its final form is not even seen by us. But, especially in all other forms of work, our hard work seems to be done but not remembered. We never get to see the final work of our hands. We only see one tiny part of the process which is, in many cases, meaningless to us.
You see, part of becoming more sustainable and more eco friendly is being able to actually see what is part of the world and what is extraneous or dead in the processes of industrial production. Many people put down good, solid eco friendly Liquid products because they do not understand how important it is to make the whole earth, in every part of its natural, truly and fully sustainable. We produce things like radiator coolant and mineral deposit remover, but our products are easily bought because they stand for something. You see, all of our products are eco friendly industrial liquids, so they all form a functional purpose on our earth. They mean something. Help us take our message across Australia. Take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee, test our chemical solutions, and if they measure up, tell your friends, tell your enemies, and come back for more: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.
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Friday, 18 October 2013

Several Miles to the Nearest Storm Shelter

The author grew up in an area known for tornadoes, where there was a lengthy and virulent “tornado season” every year. All over the world, a tornado touches down every second. That’s a lot of whirlwinds. In his book Air: The Restless Shaper of the World, William Bryant Logan discusses how air circulates, what makes it move, how to attract rain and what prohibits clouds from turning into rainclouds. He talks about whirlwinds and tornadoes, and discusses the damage that air can do when it is in this circular shape.

Growing up in a high tornado area during tornado season, I’ve witnessed my fair share of storms. The snakelike body of the tornado as it winds down to the ground, ripping up everything in its path and the way that it gradually draws air in closer and closer until the air couldn’t escape if it wanted to. Like a magnet, the closer an object is to the tornado, the harder there is a pull on it.

Of course, when a tornado siren sounded, you better have a storm shelter, because if you don’t, and you were in the path of the whirlwind, then there is a huge problem and no time to fix it. People have died because the door of their storm shelter came loose or got stuck when they were trying to get inside.

Today, we have many solutions to the same problem, such as grabbing a mattress and curling up in the centermost part of your home, away from windows. We also have community centers where residents can camp out when a particularly bad storm comes by. And in ecological terms, we have a lot of earth safe chemical solutions for your daily activities.

Whether your businesses uses solvent free degreaser or dishwasher rinse aid, and whether your jobsite has any use for diesel bug killer or radiator cleaner, we have you covered at Envirosafe Solutions. Our eco friendly industrial liquid, like our environmental cleaning products, is available for purchase in both small sizes and in bulk sizes, to fit your needs in every way. Check out our website and look at the product pages. We carry a lot of information on each item, so that you can make an informed decision. After you’re done, give us a call: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Friday, 17 May 2013

Can You See The Balance?

When seasons come and go, and day fades into night, and peace and revelry coexist, there is balance in the world, and cycles repeat themselves and people understand that bad and good news come and go.

However, in our attempts to control and dominate the world around us, we often do not fully understand the balance of things and how necessary this balance really is. After all, if you have ever encountered the realization that you can completely control one area of your life, that satisfaction can take precedence over having partial control and total influence over all areas of your life.

In the natural world, even hard control is balanced out with the changing tides and the changing seasons. The cycle of growth, maturation, death, and rebirth are all copies of how nature works. There must be an eco system, all living things must benefit from it, and there must be a way to cycle the system indefinitely.

Envirosafe Solutions has met this problem and conquered this problem in the chemical world. We produce and distribute a wide variety of eco friendly liquid products, which include but are not limited to fuel conditioner, porta-loo treatment, glass cleaner, disinfectant, and rust remover. Now, our products carry a great deal of weight when it comes to making our planet more ecologically safe. For instance, our solvent free degreaser is much safer for septic systems and for the continued sustainability of the earth than, say, a harsh chemical counterpart, and it is just as effective. That is truly something worth bragging about.

The balance of harsh chemical compounds and our own environmental cleaning products is not as positive as we would like it to be. Our Extreme Green line is safe for our world, whereas petroleum based chemicals are harmful and polluting. The difference between our balanced cycle, and the trashed up results of non-eco friendly chemicals helps us to stay on our safe and true path. The balance in the world needs our balance of chemical solutions. For more information, or to order our chemicals, call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.
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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Calcium as Plant Food

In the changing climates and evolutionary stages of the past millennia, there has been a need to examine soil samples in just about every location on earth. However, some interesting insights have resulted from this.

In areas where you would not think there had ever been an ocean, there are signs of sea fossils and of other calcium based crustaceans which have added considerably to the value of the soil now that it is no longer an ocean. Even the great plains across North America are some of the richest farmland in the world, but it is because of the fact that it used to be a sea bed, and that there are plenty of calcium and phosphorus based sea life forms adding to the inherent alkaline nature of the soil, which makes it really ripe for farmland.

Of course, such farmland can be depleted over time, as plants soak up all of these delicious nutrients, but it certainly boggles the mind to think that today’s abundance is due to the nature of the soil several millennia ago. Who would have thought it?

We are slowly and steadily beginning to understand how our world works and the inherent sustainability of nature if left alone even in today’s climate and competitive consumer market. One of the ways in which we can benefit our ongoing evolution and development is to buy eco friendly products, and that includes eco friendly industrial liquid, such as our environmentally friendly liquid. Envirosafe Solutions produces and distributes Soil Wetta, a dust suppressor, along with other useful products, like our mineral deposit remover and our radiator coolant. These eco friendly liquid products are able to help us maintain our current standard of living while also keeping us in the running toward greater ecological development. What better way to save the earth than to keep our current habits going while also contributing to the betterment of the planet?

We need these eco friendly chemical solutions, and we need them now. Envirosafe Solutions brings them to you easily and safely. Feel free to check out our site to see how you can use these products for yourself. Call us today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Friday, 22 February 2013

Using All of the Buffalo

Indigenous tribes of every continent, of every country, are used to making every part of their lives productive. The Native American tribes of Canada and the U.S. would hunt buffalo and the tribe would move, in season, with the buffalo herds across the country. The Americans have an expression, “Using every part of the buffalo,” which essentially means making use of every part of an available resource.

First world nations today are good at making waste.

We are all good at throwing out and discarding the extra in our lives, which can include anything from waste paper products to people with whom we no longer wish to associate. We are good at having plenty and tossing what we don’t wish to look at or play with any longer.

Using all of the buffalo meant to use the hide for clothing or teepees, to use the tendons and hide to make thread for weaving or sewing, to use the bladder to carry water, to use the muscle to eat, and to use the fat to cook with. It meant using the horns for water storage or for drinking, and using the fur to keep warm in the winter. They even used the hooves, the teeth, and the skulls. It meant taking one carcass, and getting as much use out of it as possible.

In our planet today, we must take our resources and get as much use out of them as possible. At Envirosafe Solutions, our mineral deposit remover and rust converter are eco friendly industrial liquids which serve businesses and are also safe for the planet. Most of our products are biodegradable, and all of our products depict information about the level of septic safety they have. Try our fuel conditioner, and sample our toilet bowl cleaner.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we want to use all of the buffalo. We want to make our chemical solutions go as far as they can go, so we make them super effective and we make them eco friendly. We believe in coming up with the best eco friendly liquid products available in Australia today, and to that end we invite you to check out our website or call us today.

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Thursday, 21 February 2013

Sustainable People

When going about your daily activities, you will notice that there are some people who you can count on more than others. These people go the extra mile, do more for their friends, don’t mind not being paid back right away, and are very responsible with their own debts and repayment activity. These friends are probably long term and reliable, and they give a lot more than they seem to receive. This is, of course, not the case since everyone receives as much out of humanity as they put into it, but sometimes these friends seem like saints compared with other, more incompetent people.

These people are what we like to call “sustainable people.” They have an acute awareness of their own contribution to the sustainability of the planet, and they are always keeping tabs on what they have produced and what they have destroyed, which actions were better for the long run and which were better for the short term, and so on.

Now, the first thing you need to know about us is that we not only try to be sustainable people ourselves, but we try to bring this sustainability to businesses throughout Australia and select countries we ship to. Our environmental cleaning products, like our radiator cleaner, our glue remover and our industrial hand cleaner are all safe for the environment and they serve useful functions within businesses. Many of our chemicals, like our marine glass cleaner and our antibacterial hand wash, are used every single day in large and small companies. We provide industrial strength chemicals which are safe for our planet and which get the job done as well or better than name brand harsh chemicals. We know what we’re doing. We know our products well.

In order to be a sustainable person, you must become aware of what you do throughout the day, and for a business this means all of your daily business activity. You must be aware of how much you throw out and how much you keep and produce yourself. You must become aware of your carbon footprint. This is not hard at all. It’s easy. Call us today to order our eco friendly industrial liquid.

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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

New Eco Fashion Designs and New Inspiration

While we here at Envirosafe Solutions seek to bring you high quality eco friendly industrial liquid, we are not the only industry looking to make the earth a better place. Rather than allowing mass consumers to sink billions of dollars into the fashion industry and into fabrics which are made from petroleum based synthetic material, we are proud to announce further renovations in the fashion industry which are specifically designed to make our earth a better place. For example, the latest trends dictate a return to love of metallic fabric, along with gold toned skin, and high drapeability. For example, a runway model these days would have deep golden bright skin, gold hair, and then be wearing a purple metallic dress which is literally draped off of her body. The material is very flexible in other words.

There is a lot going on to bring eco friendly fashion to the highest and most visible runways. What used to be depicted by linens and flax based cloth and then plant based prints and designs is now going into the very fabric of high quality luxury metallic sheen fabric. This is a huge step in chemical development and in improving the public’s view on sustainability.

While we at Envirosafe Solutions carry a wide variety of chemical products like fuel conditioner and our sanitiser, we know that all chemical solutions based on the good of the earth are wonderful. Our industrial hand cleaner and dust suppressor for agriculture do not just help farmers. Every eco friendly industrial liquid benefits our planet. We are living in rich times, and we have a lot of influence on the world in which we live. Go ahead and try our dishwashing liquid. Whatever purchases you make, your money is supporting eco friendly solutions in our world today.

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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Help with Your Eco Financing

Financing for green efforts can come from many different sources. Let us talk about ways in which you can incorporate ecological sustainability into your own business and get it financed, so that it does not become just another financial liability. This should be an investment, not a donation.

First, you can look into any government programs which allow companies or private ventures of any sort to take advantage of tax incentives, funding incentives for eco development, and community and school ecological projects which you can be reimbursed for if your business should set up those programs for your community. This will, of course, provide subtle advertising for your company, since it is the donor of these programs.

Secondly, you can look into local eco friendly and environmental activist groups in your area. We recommend looking into all of them, not just the large ones, since individuals hearing out your propositions may be able to singly donate funding or will know of someone or a program which can add these to your funding sources.

Thirdly, we recommend that you look inside of your own walls, at the eco friendly cleaning products which you could be using to clean your office, oil and refine your machinery, and clean up your heavy industrial worksites. All of these resources are needed, and you can provide your own eco financing by simply switching out products that you have been trying out for our products on a steady basis. The cost will barely differ, and you are not buying anything new. Instead, you are reinvesting your current expenditures into eco friendly industrial liquids, rather than your locally produced cheaper and harsher chemicals. We provide everything from hard water laundry liquid to insect and tar remover. Our toilet bowl cleaner is especially effective, as is our disinfectant. Learn more about what you can do with your current finances today, by visiting our website and placing an order.

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Growth and Fear Cannot Coexist

Many people believe that the opposite of fear is confidence or bravery. This is not the case. Fear stops people from accomplishing that which they desire or need to do, and therefore the opposite of fear would be this accomplishment or this self growth.

When businesses have an opportunity in front of them to take advantage of a better standard of living/operating, and when they have golden chances right before their eyes, it is most important to take them and relish them right away. However, fear can cause many people to hesitate or to withdraw from an opportunity, since it is part of the unknown. In fact, the unknown is very often worse than known fears to most people. This is because known fears are measurable and you can evaluate them and calculate strategy around them. However, unknown possibilities involve staying on your toes, being fully aware at all times, conducting yourself in perfect ethical behavior, and anticipating problems and dealing with new situations. That is a lot of commitment for one person to subject themselves to for an unknown.

When it comes to being eco friendly, there is so much to learn and experiment with and do that it seems almost impossible to mess it up or to not save money or the environment by implementing just about any kind of eco friendly system of operating. Unfortunately, fear of the unknown prohibits growth. There are two paths of learning: through experience and through education. Both require forethought and pondering on the situation.

When Envirosafe Solutions prepares our eco friendly liquid products, we take a lot of the guesswork out of the being environmentally conscious. Our products include ordinary household and worksite chemicals, like marine glass cleaner, antibacterial hand wash, and radiator cleaner, as well as many more. The difference is that our industrial strength chemicals are safe for the environment. They are safe for our planet. That means that, when possible, all you have to do is switch one product for the other. It is a safe and fast and great way to become eco friendly yourself, without all of the doubt and the fear. You can grow now.

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Going Off Grid

We all know one or two people who are dead set on being survivalists. By that, we mean people who do not wish to be mass dependent upon energy sources and power setups by which they can be just as susceptible to power loss as their neighbors. These individuals may or may not be environmentalists, although many of them are, but they display a singular desire for freedom and independence, wishing to be completely self sufficient, rather than simply part self sufficient like the rest of us.

Now, as much as these individuals may seem like extremists, and we are not counting any potentially militia based organizations which may exist, but they are very much about being able to take care of themselves without the help of thousands of other people. This is a luxury which not all people can fully appreciate. If everyone else loses power, runs out of food, cannot cool their refrigerated products, and cannot sustain themselves off of their own land, no worries! These survivalists have everything covered for themselves and their loved ones.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we understand the need to develop products which are not entirely dependent non-renewable resources and which can dry up once the source has been tapped out.

We want to express our appreciation for such self minded individuals as these and to advertise our wares for your consideration. While all of our products are not septic safe and/or biodegradable, the product information listed about each item on our website talks about whether or not they are and other safety and ingredient information so that you can make the right choice for your own needs. We believe in openness and honesty, and we wish to show you how easy it can be to incorporate our environmental cleaning products into your lifestyle. Independent folks will still need solvent free degreaser, antibacterial hand wash, and rust converter, whatever the case.
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Eco Goals for 2013

This year, more businesses are making ecological plans to reduce energy costs. This year, there are thousands of companies which are, as we speak, planning a better construction and a safer remodeling.

Eco goals include finding out if there are any more government incentives for eco friendly planning being offered. Many companies are looking into what it takes to make more money and to take advantage of tax incentives or other monetary incentives for redoing their businesses.

Another consideration is time. Many businesses are outsourcing to online contractors in order to save energy on keeping up a store front and energy costs for everyone to be employed in the local area.

Many businesses are just looking at simple, practical changes in their own behavior, which will result in eco friendly changes, such as more sustainability and more living off of the land.

Into this conglomerate of ideas, Envirosafe Solutions brings our line of environmental cleaning products. We carry fuel conditioner and antibacterial hand wash, as well as tons of other products and simple, safe, effective home based solutions for your business. Our line of products are exclusively designed to be septic safe, eco friendly and some are even biodegradable.

When you are planning your 2013 goals and setting your New Year’s resolutions, remember that there are some ways in which you can easily and cost effectively make your company green-based. Simply by replacing ordinary harsh chemical solutions with our eco friendly industrial liquid, you can make this world a better place, and improve your image and employee safety at the same time. We all know how dangerous chemical spills can sometimes be, and it is with pride that we bring forth our own chemical solutions as a way to safeguard your staff and to make sure that everything stay copasetic, no matter what.

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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Setting High Eco Friendly Personal Standards

It is said that whatever your hand finds to do, do it well. We forget where the quote is from. ;) Well, setting high standards for yourself is really important, because it tells you and the people around you what level of quality you operate at. If you start a job but don’t finish it, or if you do poor quality work over a period of time, you are telling yourself and the world that your time is not that valuable and that your skills are not that important.

When EnviroSafe Solutions began our quest to bring eco friendly chemical solutions to the workplace, we hired researchers and came up with some really effective chemical compounds, like our solvent free degreaser and our hard water Laundry Powder. Chemicals like these are eco friendly, and safe for our earth. Unfortunately, not all companies which claim to sell eco friendly products actually do. And those which are productive in this manner can often deliver ineffective chemical compounds. You know, the kind that you have to use three times as much of to get the job done. Well, that is really frustrating to say the least, and it certainly doesn’t give those of us who are legitimate a very good reputation.

That is why EnviroSafe Solutions offers a thirty day money back guarantee on all of our products. We believe in making sure that you know just how legitimate we really are. Our reputation is good, but of course you don’t know that yet, having never tried us out. For more information, visit our website and review our individual pages on all of our products. You will see that we have evaluated everything on individual pages for each chemical solution, we have given ratings for several different categories for each product. This way, you can make informed decisions about whether or not to buy from us, and what you will buy when you do. You may be happy with some of your chemical solutions, but not others. After you try us out, you may wish to try out more products, and compare them with ones you already use.

For more information concerning our chemicals and shipping to you, call us today.

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Freedom of Movement

We all remember our very first car; it was, for many of us, our first love. Finally, we felt all grown up: we had attained freedom of movement. Often, the first car is a second-hand or even a third-hand one. We pour our sweat and money on it, trying to make it a perfect vehicle. The truth, though, is that we can never make an old car new. And, despite our deep love for the car, it is an emission-emitting beast. Though we cannot make an old car new, there are steps that we can take to make it more eco friendly.

Since a poorly performing engine is the prime source of environmental evil that is precisely what we need to focus on first. To begin with, we can change the spark plugs and have the engine tuned. We can immediately feel the difference. But there is more we can do without spending too much.

An important factor in controlling the engine emissions is a properly functioning radiator. A well functioning radiator can make a world of difference. By using a good radiator cleaner, we can remove the rust and scale, thus enhancing the heat transfer characteristics of the radiator. Further, by using a good radiator coolant, we can further improve the effectiveness of the radiator, and make our car more eco-friendly.

Unfortunately, radiator fluids have long been synonymous with poison. We certainly do not want to swap one demon for another. This is where we come in. At Envirosafe Solutions we have created two amazingly effective yet completely eco-friendly solutions for the radiator. Our Extreme Green Radiator Cleaner has a specially designed flushing agent, and as the name implies, it very effectively removes the rust and scale from the radiator. Despite its extreme effectiveness, the Extreme Green Radiator Cleaner is completely safe on the metallic parts of the radiator. In fact, metals treated with the Extreme Green Radiator Cleaner can be safely cut and welded without posing any hazard to the operator.

Our Extreme Green Radiator Coolant is an Organic Acid Technology (OAT) based. It is a specially formulated blend of organic acids that provide excellent protection to the metallic walls of the radiator. This very effective yet eco-friendly solution meets all the international performance specifications. Then we come to the engine itself, where the combustion takes place. Of prime importance is the quality and the condition of the fuel. Our Extreme Green Fuel Conditioner is a revolutionary new multi-function fuel conditioner that works well on all types of fuels and in all types of vehicles. This product removes water from the fuel, resulting in reduced emissions and maintenance costs. It also cleans the internal parts of the engine cylinders, valves etc.

And last but not the least is our Extreme Green Truck Wash. Sure you can use it on your car, too, with magnificent results. The Extreme Green Truck wash is an extremely versatile machine cleaner. It very effectively cleans trucks, cars, 4wd’s, buses and farm machinery, and for that matter, anything that has ingrained dirt and grease.

Thanks to our Extreme Green highly effective and eco-friendly solutions, your car can give you all the joy and freedom that you deserve, while being gentle on the environment. At Envirosafe Solutions, we really, truly care for the environment. That is why every single one of our products is 100% eco-friendly, and we are constantly exploring new avenues to further add to our existing array of eco-friendly solutions. And, we donate 2% of all our sales to Carbon Neutral to ensure a safer and greener future for our children. 

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Monday, 28 January 2013

Trucking in Harmony with the Environment

The invention of the internal combustion engine was a revolution that really set the wheels in motion. Today we cannot imagine life without our personal vehicle. Also, we take for granted the conveyance of goods through the arterial network of roads. But with the good comes also the not-so-good. Engine emissions have become a major source of environmental pollution. While we strive for greener alternative fuels, the least that we can do is to use green technology to mitigate the effect of emissions on our fragile eco-system.

To this end, we at Envirosafe Solutions have put together an array of products applicable to automobiles of all types. We have created Extreme Green cleaners, radiator fluids and fuel treatments. All the while our focus has been on extreme eco-friendliness.

Our Extreme Green Truck wash is an extremely versatile machine cleaner. It very effectively cleans trucks, cars, 4wd’s, buses and farm machinery, and for that matter, anything that has ingrained dirt and grease. This highly concentrated solution is up to the toughest of tasks. While quick acting, it also provides a pleasant finish without any after-clean smears, stains or smudges, even on painted surfaces. Truck Wash is easy to use and is fully biodegradable.
Another important factor in controlling engine emissions is the proper functioning of the radiator. The radiator has a single but vital task: to keep the engine cool. An improperly functioning radiator has a cascading effect and your maintenance cost will likely spiral out of control.

Radiator fluids have long been synonymous with poison, so it is one of the first areas that demands a safe and green alternative. Envirosafe Solutions has produced two revolutionary green alternatives: the radiator cleaner and the radiator coolant. Of course, both products are completely biodegradable. The Extreme Green Radiator Cleaner has a specially designed flushing agent. It is a heavy duty natural acid, fast acting and highly effective. It removes rust and scale while being inert to metal. In fact, metals treated with the Extreme Green Radiator Cleaner can be safely cut and welded without posing any hazard to the operator.

The Extreme Green Radiator Coolant is an Organic Acid Technology (OAT) based. It is a specially formulated blend of organic acids that provide excellent protection to the metallic walls of the radiator. This very effective yet eco-friendly solution meets all the international performance specifications.
In the engine itself where the combustion takes place, the fuel quality is of prime importance. A clean fuel reduces emissions and the maintenance cost. Envirosafe Solutions offers targeted fuel treatment options for the optimal performance and long-lasting protection of the engine. The Extreme Green Diesel Bug cleaner completely absorbs the water thus eliminating the survival environment of the diesel bug. As a consequence, the diesel bug dies, gets dissolved in the fuel, and is harmlessly burnt in the combustion chamber.

Finally, our Extreme Green Fuel Conditioner is a revolutionary new multi-function fuel conditioner that works well on all types of fuels and in all types of vehicles. This product removes water from the fuel, resulting in reduced emissions and maintenance costs. It also cleans the internal parts of the engine cylinders, valves etc.

At Envirosafe Solutions, we are always on the lookout for creating revolutionary new green but extremely efficient solutions. In fact, that is our mission: complete eco-friendliness without sacrificing efficacy. We are 100% Australian owned and operated, and proudly so. And, we donate 2% of all our sales to Carbon Neutral to ensure a safer and greener future for our children. 

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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Life in the Fast Lane: The Food Stations

At Envirosafe Solutions we are fully tuned in to the ultra modern lifestyle of today. With all sorts of modern facilities available, too often we find ourselves in the super fast lane. Whether it is for enhanced income or simply due to the plain old-fashioned workaholism, more and more people are now leading a 24x7 lifestyle. We are always on the go, schedules must be met, results delivered. With such as a hectic schedule we are hard put to scavenge enough time for meals. While nothing is as good as the food from mama’s kitchen, we have to settle for a quick meal (and often during a meeting). This is where the fast-food centres of today come in awfully handy.

One such very successful fast-food chain is McDonald’s restaurant. With a fast, friendly and clean service, this is ideal for a quick stop-over. When we look beyond the smiling faces, eager to serve, we see that a modern restaurant is ideally suited for the modern green alternative offered by us at Envirosafe Solutions. The main stations at McDonald’s are the grill, the frying station and the soft-drink dispenser. Spills do occur, and when they do, they often leave a very slippery, greasy floor. That grease is not easy to remove, but must immediately be removed or the workplace becomes messy and dangerous. In fact, dealing with spills is a common daily practice at any fast-food restaurant.

We at Envirosafe Solutions have just the right solution for the greasy spills, be they shop floors or a restaurant. Our heavy-duty alkaline cleaner/degreaser is ideal for cleaning greasy spills. It is a very high-performing water-based degreaser with a low pH. It is petro-solvent free and acid free. Further, it is completely biodegradable.

Envirosafe Solutions has many Extreme Green products especially geared towards restaurants such as McDonald’s. Our all-purpose glass cleaner is a highly effective cleaning solution for glass, stainless steel, vinyl and even laminex. It also doubles as a brilliant sanitiser. Our bath and tile cleaner removes dirt, grime, and scum from floors and toilets. Our eucalyptus-based disinfectant is especially suited for quick and effective cleaning and sanitising in the kitchen, office and the toilet. Our Gelclean sanitiser not only removes stubborn dirt, grime and residues, but also is ideal for mould control.

And then, of course, there are our Extreme Green kitchen products: the commercial kitchen degreaser, dishwashing powder, dishwasher liquid, dishwasher rinse aid and the dishwashing liquid. The icing on the cake is that many of our Extreme Green products are 100% biodegradable and all are eco friendly.

You can rest assured that while you get complete functionality, you do not disturb the delicate eco-system. We at Envirosafe Solutions know just how much you care about the environment, and are pleased to offer our expertise in keeping our planet a safe and healthy one. 

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Farming where No One Has Farmed before

Not every geographic location is blessed with good soil and an amenable climate. There are many parched, arid locations around the world. The people at these places have always been dependent on imports of vegetables and other farm produce. Though water is sometimes available, all too often it is contaminated with heavy minerals or is saline. Today new path-breaking technology has brought about a sea change. The hot, dry, arid land can now be used for cultivation and that too with very limited use of water.

While the looming danger of the immediate future, that of safe, potable water, has not yet been adequately addressed, some novel green alternatives are indeed available for the parched land. The problems in these arid locations are two-fold: scarcity of usable water, and difficult, rugged terrain. We at Envirosafe Solutions have come up with just the right solution for rugged terrains: our superior quality Dust Suppressant and our fast penetrating Soil Wetta.

Our Extreme Green Dust Suppressant is highly effective, safe and economical. Ours is a specially formulated solution designed specifically for arid conditions such as in Australia. Of course, this highly effective solution is equally applicable to other arid regions such as those in the Middle East and Israel.

The Extreme Green Dust Suppressant is a very low impact product that can be used safely to increase agricultural productivity. There may be cheaper products in the market, but we believe that none are as effective and economical as our Extreme Green Dust Suppressant. By using our special product, not only is the free dust content reduced but also there is less evaporation and less water run-off. With a fast penetration, even diffusion and increased compaction, this product translates into a very green, effective and economical solution. When we factor in the facts that this product is extremely easy to mix and use, and is useable with any type of water, rain water, bore water and saline water, the choice is abundantly clear.

In conjunction with our Dust Suppressant, you can use our very special Extreme Green Soil Wetta, which too is specifically designed for rough and rugged terrains. This product very effectively and economically provides the soil wetting that is essential to the healthy functioning of sun-parched agricultural land.

Cultivating parched, arid and rugged terrain is now a viable option. Not only can you now become self-sufficient in your agricultural needs, but also increase the eco-friendliness.

We at Envirosafe Solutions are proud to back our super eco friendly products. We are 100% Australian owned and operated, and proudly so. And, we donate 2% of all our sales to Carbon Neutral to ensure a safer and greener future for our children.

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Monday, 21 January 2013

Bhurj Khalifa: Above the Clouds

Bigger, better, faster, and taller: we humans have been engaged in a continuous endeavour to create the super special. One such area in which we have progressed in leaps and bounds is the construction of super tall buildings such as the Bhurj Khalifa. At a staggering height of 828m above the ground, the towering structure is truly awe inspiring and a sight that drives out our breath. But beyond the sheer height, the Bhurj Khalifa is a striking example of sustainable green practices. When we examine the design, the building materials and the functionality, we become truly aware of the environmental friendly aspects of this wonder.

With 160+ floors and 280, 000 sq. m of residential and office space, and a Giorgio Armani hotel, the super tall structure is indeed massive. To get an idea of the sheer size and scale of this structure, consider the fact that the condensate collection system (from air conditioning) is about 15 million gallons of water, equal to about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The building is so tall that the top of the building is actually above the clouds.

The Bhurj Khalifa is a township in itself, and it is ideally suited to green solutions. Not only is its structure eco-friendly in terms of construction material, but also in terms of its energy requirements, thanks largely in part to the thermal-inertia of concrete. Since it is a township in itself, a whole range of eco friendly solutions are available for it from Envirosafe Solutions.

Absorbents and spill kits can easily and effectively contain any organic or inorganic toxic spill. Cleaners such as the all-purpose glass cleaner and the bath and tile cleaner can be gainfully employed both in the domestic and commercial premises. Corrosion treatment can lengthen the life of the entire building. The kitchen lends itself to good use of the commercial kitchen degreasers, the dishwasher powder, the dishwasher liquid, the dishwater rinse aid and the dishwashing liquid. Not just the hotel but also the residential apartments can benefit greatly from the laundry powder, hardwater laundry liquid and the fabric conditioner. Problem removers such as the graffiti remover, the glue remover, the ice break, the insect and tar remover, the mould remover and the rubber remover can come in handy.

In the area of sanitation and hygiene, the disinfectants and sanitisers, drain and waste cleaners and deodorisers, and toilet treatments can lend a helping hand. And, all these fully green solutions are readily available at Envirosafe Solutions. Not only do all our Extreme Green products provide a safe and green solution, but also a fast-acting and result-oriented one.

We at Envirosafe Solutions back our products with lots of love and support. Whether yours is a small compact dwelling or a flamboyant complex, we have a green and friendly solution just right for you. 

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