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Thursday, 26 December 2013

Making Your Campsite Biodegradable

Dishwashing Liquid
Dishwashing Liquid
Let’s say that you’re off on a nice, family holiday. Well, that’s kind of boring, so let’s change it to a romantic getaway into the wilds. Yes, that’s better. Now, let’s say that you and your frisky lover have set up camp in a nice, quiet, hidden area. It’s easy to see that the place is secluded and that animals are not very afraid of humans disturbing them, so a few furry creatures have cautiously crept forward to inspect the new visitors.

The grass is soft, the trees rustle in the wind, and your four-footed jungle companions are minding their own business now. It almost seems a shame to disturb the quiet and serene landscape with a camp fire and lots of camping equipment, complete with a tent. However, you and your sweetheart set up camp and soon have a nice, roaring fire crackling in the woods.

The truth is, it is easy to “camp out” It is far more difficult to remember to “uncamp” when you are done. Making your campsite biodegradable is easy, once you remember to do it. Pick up all of your non-biodegradable trash, allow organic vegetation to rot into the forest floor, relieve your bathroom needs in bushes at least fifty feet away from the campsite, and follow all park restrictions so that you don’t attract any unwanted animals.

When we here at Envirosafe Solutions were looking for eco friendly solutions to everyday tasks, we knew that it wouldn’t be easy to find real, active chemicals which were both safe for the planet and easily used as daily solutions in industrial worksites and home environments. We had our team of researchers work very hard to find a balance which satisfied both qualities and we succeeded. Our solvent free degreaser, our fuel conditioner, our rust converter and all of our other environmental cleaning products are at your disposal for when you decide to use them. Be sure and take advantage of our thirty day money back guarantee, too. Oh, and try our sanitiser! You’ll love what it does for your extremely dirty places. Call Envirosafe Solutions today to order from us: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

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Monday, 16 December 2013

Fixed Income and Financial Composting

Fixed Income and Financial Composting
Fixed Income and Financial Composting
When you are on a fixed income through whatever reason it may be, you must learn how to make ends meet in a steady, dependable way. You must also learn how to compost your finances so that they reap the biggest crop for the smallest amount of effort or investment. This is done by bringing some intuition, some creative innovation, and some thinking outside of the box to the situation.
In fact, financial composting can be thought of as reinvestment. This form of getting the most money for your effort involves understanding how much you will invest in something and how much you can get out of it in the end. Buying a few dressed to sell online for a little more is great, as long as you already have a market in place for your dresses. Without the market, you are looking at an investment which may or may not yield your desired profits in the time allotted.
However, you can still do a lot with what you have, no matter the case. If you have sure reinvestments set up, you can buy a little, sell for a little more, work a little, get paid a little more, and gradually increase your income to the point where you are above starvation or survival modes.
This is true in business, as well.
When you are looking to achieve the most good for your prices, you can achieve it through the use of products from Envirosafe Solutions. Marine glass cleaner, sanitiser, dishwashing liquid, and every other conceivable eco friendly chemical solution is available through our website, for bulk or small purchases, and accompanied by our excellent customer service. If you visit the product pages of our website, you will be able to ascertain the septic safety and potential biodegradability of each product, too. Mineral deposit remover, dishwasher powder, and other chemicals are available through us, and they are all planet friendly. We love our customers so much that we want to develop long lasting relationships with our business-to-business customer base. Be sure and place a sample purchase order with us first, try out our products, and order more when you need them. Be sure and call Envirosafe Solutions today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

This article has been taken from :

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Eating the Whole Buffalo

Eating the Whole Buffalo
Many people lament the waste that is the result of heavy industrialization. In the past, communities had coopers and tanners and wheelwrights and bakers, all of which provided proper food and materials for the community. These tradesmen had to be very economical with their resources, because their entire lives depended upon the ability to get and keep more resources.

Today, the lamentation continues over how much wood is wasted when trees are processed. We shake our heads with disgust when natural forests are dug up to put in a mine. Many things are going to waste, we say.

However, there is one area in which we are “eating the whole buffalo” as the Americans say.

Pigs are used immensely well. Boar hair is used to condition bread dough, certain bones and arteries are used for medical implants and devices which the human body will not be likely to reject, the skin is used in footballs (sometimes), the ears are used in dog chews,and there are many other types of uses which pigs have that humans have thought of. Now, that is truly awe inspiring. In fact, one woman wrote an entire book about one single pig and documented the use of every single tiny part of the animal, which industry it went to, and what it was used for in the consumer market.

Not only is that concept fascinating, but it is true. We really do make complete use out of certain animals. Even horses when they die are often put into dog food, which nice because we wouldn’t want to feed our dogs expensive meat.

When Envirosafe Solutions began our operations as an eco friendly industrial liquid distributor, we knew that our products had to serve double duty: cleaning and being safe for the environment. We hired a team of researchers to help us make products which were and still are safe for our beautiful earth and effective as can be for your purposes.

For more information about all of our products, like our soil wetta and our mineral deposit remover, please visit our website. Make note of the thirty day money back guarantee. After you have decided what you want to order, call our friendly staff today: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

This article has been taken from :