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Monday, 24 March 2014

Brown Earth

Dishwashing Liquid
Dishwashing Liquid
The warm brown earth which lies underneath paved streets, green park grounds, and many concrete corners, is welcoming and free from pollution. It takes a lot to pollute the ground itself, and even then, pollution often is eventually overcome by mites and living creates which turn it back into warm brown earth again.

When was the last time you went outside, found some dirt, and picked it up in your hand? Many mythologies state that we, as humans, come from the earth and from the sea. It is a dichotomy of relationships which specify that anything upon which we walk or swim was once us. There are few mythologies, if hardly any, which describe humans being born from other elements, such as fire, air, or metal. It is the earth and the ocean which are said to be our originators, and that is no joke.

In fact, when we try to become earth friendly and eco safe, a lot of us are not really consciously thinking about our fundamental reasons for doing this. Yes, we are meant to prepare the earth for future generations, which may number among the tens of billions by then. Yes, we are meant to make our current planet more sustainable for ourselves, not to mention our future great-great-great-grandchildren. Yes, we are supposed to care about the pollution which we put out and where it might go.

However, the motivation may stop there. It is not personal to us. We don’t know what the future will hold. Why bother? But, this earth, this warm brown earth, holds the bones and the bodies and the dissolution of all of our past generations. That IS personal to us.

Envirosafe Solutions encourages you to think about using eco friendly liquid products in your business, environmentally friendly liquids like ours. We know that you may already have antibacterial hand wash, glass cleaner, porta-loo treatment, or ice break. However, our goal is to make the world more sustainable by protecting it with more environmental products, like our chemical solutions. Help keep the warm, brown earth of our today, just as warm and just as brown for tomorrow: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

This article has been taken from :

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The Sound of Silence

In addition to the popular song by Simon and Garfunkel, the sounds of silence affect different people in different ways. For example, silence often affects political parties by making them nervous. If the public is silent about them, then it means that they do not notice them or consider them worthy of notice. It affects siblings by making them angry or upset at each other. There is nothing more effective than the silent treatment when you are giving it to a family member. Silence can be golden, but it can also be fraught with tension.
When people dismiss the sustainability of the earth, they are being silent about the matter. It is not worthy of their consideration. However, some people are so vocal about eco friendly practices that they are seen as intrusive.
The thing to do is to begin implement sustainable practices in small ways. It begins with using eco friendly liquid products rather than your currently used harsh, non-eco chemicals. It begins by budgeting for more eco friendly materials and chemicals for the future. It begins by taking a step back and evaluating your business objectively for the sustainability it is bringing to the world.
Well, we here at Envirosafe Solutions distribute environmental cleaning products all over Australia, to both businesses and individuals, and our policy is to make sure that everyone has enough Extreme Green products to make a noticeable difference to our carbon footprint and contribution to cleaner water and air.
For that reason, we urge you to try our insect and tar remover, disinfectant, rust remover, and laundry powder. Our goal is to bring our chemical solutions to every business in Australia and to continue to provide them with an easy way to break the silence about earth sustainability.
Yes, break the silence today concerning earth safety. Contribute your labor and money toward businesses like Envirosafe Solutions which in turn help your business to operate smoothly. To learn more, visit our product pages, send us a question, or call us up and ask us anything you like. It is our goal to break the sound of silence, and to eagerly spread the word about Envirosafe Solutions: (+61) 1300 88 90 70.

This article has been taken from :